role PositionalBindFailover { ... }

This role provides an interface by which an object can be coerced into a Positional when binding to Positional parameters.

For example, Seq type is not Positional, but you can still write the following, because it does PositionalBindFailover role:

sub fifths(@a) {        # @a is constraint to Positional
my $seq := gather {     # a Seq, which is not Positional
    take $_ for 1..*;
say fifths($seq);       # OUTPUT: «5␤»

The invocation of fifths in the example above would ordinarily give a type error, because $seq is of type Seq, which doesn't do the Positional interface that the @-sigil implies.

But the signature binder recognizes that Seq does the PositionalBindFailover role, and calls its cache method to coerce it to a List, which does the Positional role.

The same happens with custom classes that do the role; they simply need to provide an iterator method that produces an Iterator:

class Foo does PositionalBindFailover {
    method iterator {
        class :: does Iterator {
            method pull-one {
                return 42 unless $++;

sub first-five (@a) { @a[^5].say }
first-five; # OUTPUT: # OUTPUT: «(42 Nil Nil Nil Nil)␤»


method cache§

method cache(PositionalBindFailover:D: --> List:D)

Returns a List based on the iterator method, and caches it. Subsequent calls to cache always return the same List object.

method list§

multi method list(::?CLASS:D:)

Returns a List based on the iterator method without caching it.

method iterator§

method iterator(PositionalBindFailover:D:) { ... }

This method stub ensure that a class implementing role PositionalBindFailover provides an iterator method.


Type relations for PositionalBindFailover
raku-type-graph PositionalBindFailover PositionalBindFailover Sequence Sequence Sequence->PositionalBindFailover Mu Mu Any Any Any->Mu Cool Cool Cool->Any Iterable Iterable Seq Seq Seq->Sequence Seq->Cool Seq->Iterable HyperSeq HyperSeq HyperSeq->Sequence HyperSeq->Any HyperSeq->Iterable RaceSeq RaceSeq RaceSeq->Sequence RaceSeq->Any RaceSeq->Iterable

Expand chart above